Friday 29 April 2016

Patagonia Part 5: El Calafate take 2

El calafate- R&R - rest&relaxation

Our first two weeks were "on the go", jam packed days, and lots & lots of hiking. We soon realized that we would have to slow the pace from time to time. Catch our breath, take it easy and also plan a few days of the trip ahead.

So we spent 4 nights in America del Sur Hostel in El Calafate, doing just that. The hostel was great, it is located on a hill with beautiful panoramic views of the mountains and large lake.

We shared a four bed dorm with two young Brazilians, and they were almost never there which was actually quite convenient!. 

As it goes with budget traveling, cooking your own meals, saves a pretty penny. We stocked up at the local grocer and enjoyed cooking ,reading, writing, planning and just chilling. 

We met a guy, Anders, from Norway and Joe from London and enjoyed their company throughout our stay. Our only big outing, despite going for morning jogs along the lake, was visiting Perito Mareno, a very active glacier. It's about an hour's drive from El Calafate and well worth the money spent to see her. 

Absolutely breathtaking! We packed a wine&cheese picnic and spent the day admiring her from all possible angles. On the W Trek we often heard the breaking off of pieces of glaciers, but actually seeing it happen up close is an unique experience. 

We hope our (far) future grandchildren will also have the privilege of seeing a glacier. With globalwarming and the weakening rand who knows what lies ahead... ;) 

And as Leonardo di Caprio said in his 30 second Oscar speech- We should not take this planet for granted!

As we flew out of El Calafate towards the city lights of Beunos Aires, we were rested, well fed and ready to take on the big city! 

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