Monday 18 April 2016

Buenos dias Buenos Aires!

Hola amigos y familia!

After quite a hectic and lengthy series of flights, we've finally arrived at the first stop of our epic 6 month adventure, Buenos Aires, Argentina.

Firstly I look like every second person's long lost relative, which has already tested my 6 months worth of espanol lessons to the max! And they then seem really confused when I try and explain that i'm actually not from around here, "yo soy de sudafrica" least it helps us look a bit less touristy!

One thing about BA that's also quite unique is the clock that this place runs on. We were stressing because our flight landed quite late at the airport which meant we had to find a ride to our hotel in the middle of the night...but apparently that's round about the same time when the whole town gets ready to go out! Which also means that come morning time the place is pretty much dead! Shops and restaurants only open up at around 10:00 am...did I mention that Argentina's population is made up predominately of Spanish, Italian and Portuguese immigrants! Gotta love Southern Europeans...they know how to prioritize: sleep, eat, and have a good time, oh and the occasional bit of work!

Cafe con leche por favor!

We're only in BA for one day before we fly down south to Patagonia, so we mostly explored the area where we stayed, Palermo and looked for cool things to do when we return after our mission to middle earth.

So far the Argentinian people seem very nice, which is great, they're very passionate about their culture and history, opinionated and don't seem too impressed with politicians! Sounds familiar hey..but all in all an auspicious start!

Next stop: Patagonia

1 comment:

  1. Love die blog! Klink heerlik. Please keep the posts coming :)
